If you’ve suffered a personal injury, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and stressed thinking about how to proceed in seeking compensation. This becomes even more complicated while you are still recovering and dealing with other consequences of the accident. You are considering hiring an attorney to…
It is not uncommon for victims in car collisions to not know what steps to take after their accident, and even if they do, the shock and bodily harm can cloud decision-making skills. Whether you’re planning ahead in case of an accident or need to…
With the distractions of everyday life and crowded public spaces, it’s not surprising that traffic accidents happen frequently. While it’s more common not to be involved in a vehicle accident during your daily travels, the sense of safety this fact offers is an illusion that…
Car seat laws are put in place so babies, toddlers, and young children can travel safely in a vehicle. When children are properly secured in a car seat, the likelihood of suffering a major injury during a car accident goes down tremendously. Each state has…
222 Injury Lawyers, PLLC
6421 Avondale Dr, Ste 201
Nichols Hills, OK 73116
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222 Injury Lawyers, PLLC
1217 E 33rd St.
Tulsa, OK 74105
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