Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Oklahoma (2024 Updated)

New data released earlier this year from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) reports good news and bad news for Oklahoma roadways and the drivers who frequent them. A study released just this year divulges the results of a five-year survey of roadways that was conducted from 2017 to 2021.

During that five-year period, the report shows there were 250 fatal car crashes during that time on Oklahoma highways alone, while nearly 8,000 motorists were injured as a result of distracted driving.

If you were involved in such an accident caused by another driver, an Oklahoma City car accident attorney can help you seek compensation.

The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Oklahoma

While distracted driving remains the number one reason fatal and non-fatal car accidents occur on Oklahoma roadways, what is promising about the study is that it does show a decrease in the number of fatal accidents over the course of the time period. According to the study in 2017, there were 51 fatalities on Oklahoma highways. In each subsequent year, however, the number decreased slightly, and the last year of the study showed only 42 fatal accidents in 2021.

While the new lower numbers aren’t necessarily ideal, they are promising and show that drivers are being somewhat more careful behind the wheel. It does not mean that Oklahomans don’t need to be wary of distracted driving, as there are still too many drivers allowing distractions to take their attention off the road. Accidents, both in Oklahoma and nationally, are still increasing compared to pre-Covid car accident statistics.

Of the number of fatalities that occurred on Oklahoma highways during the time period of the study, the majority of the fatalities were people between the ages of 30 and 50, as well as those under 21. In 2017 and 2021, there were exactly 40 fatal accidents that occurred during those years in those age categories. Therefore, drivers who fall between these ages are especially at risk for distracted driving accidents and should take extra care when getting behind the wheel.

Another study of all roadways in Oklahoma (not just highways) shows that Oklahomans drove 45 billion vehicle miles in 2022, which resulted in 730 fatal traffic occurrences. Consequently, these fatal accidents and other serious traffic accidents incurred Oklahomans $18 billion in societal harm, which includes economic costs of $4.5 billion and quality of life costs of $13.7 billion.

Other Common Causes of Oklahoma Car Accidents

Other common causes of fatal car accidents on Oklahoma roadways include excessive speeding, DUI, driving left of the center, and failure to stop, as well as inattention. If you take your eyes off of the road for just five seconds to look at your phone or read a text, it’s equivalent to driving the length of a football field while having your eyes closed. Many things can happen between five and ten seconds when a driver is not paying attention, and just reading a text has, unfortunately, cost people their lives.

Interestingly enough, during the five-year study period mentioned previously, more men died in distracted driving-related car crashes than women. What is even more astonishing, though, is the number of people who were not wearing a seatbelt. Oklahoma is 40th for seat belt use in the nation.

Putting on a seatbelt should be the first thing a driver does when they get behind the wheel, even before starting the car. Fifty percent of the fatalities that occurred on Oklahoma highways could have potentially been prevented with proper seat belt use.

As a result, Oklahoma encourages safe driver practices, as well as car seat safety for child passengers. The Oklahoma State Department of Health states that a child should remain in a booster seat until they reach eight years old, and then they can move to a seatbelt. They also report that proper child restraint minimizes infant death in car accidents by 71% and by 54% for toddlers up to four years old.


Q: What Are 4 Main Causes of Accidents?

A: The four main causes of roadway accidents include distracted driving, driver error, drunk driving, and speeding. These are followed by running red lights and stop signs, reckless driving, and vehicle defects such as malfunctioning automobile systems or flat tires. Studies show that common interruptions that cause distracted driving involve family troubles, getting bad news, and horseplay in the car.

Q: Is Oklahoma a No-Fault State?

A: No, Oklahoma is not a no-fault state. Oklahoma is an at-fault state. This means that if an at-fault party’s negligence or behavior causes a car accident or results in injuries or property damage, they are held liable for those damages and injuries.

Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in Oklahoma?

A: The average settlement for a car accident in Oklahoma depends on the extent of damages. An accident that results in moderate injuries averages a payout of around $40,000, while minor injuries usually result in a settlement award of less than $10,000.

Severe injury incidences can result in settlements of as much as $1 million, though the majority of serious injury accidents average $300,000 per settlement. Minor injury claims have average settlements of around $1,500. However, more car accident settlement claims see compensation awards of around $40,000.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations on a Car Accident in Oklahoma?

A: The statute of limitations for car accidents in Oklahoma is two years following the occurrence of the accident. This statute applies to anyone involved in a car crash, including passengers, drivers, other motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, scooter riders, and motorcyclists.

Hire an Oklahoma City Car Accident Attorney

The team at 222 Injury Lawyers has extensive experience in representing clients who have been involved in car accidents at the fault of other drivers. If this has happened to you, our lawyers can assist with both insurance and personal injury claims. Contact 222 Injury Lawyers and speak with one of our team members to start your claim before the statute of limitations runs out.

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