Tulsa Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Tulsa Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Tulsa Bicycle Accident Attorney

Tulsa Bicycle Accident LawyerThousands of people in the Tulsa area and throughout Oklahoma ride their bikes every day. Some ride for exercise, others for leisure, and some use their bicycles for easy local transportation. While most bicyclists reach their destinations without any problems, others are not so fortunate. Bicycle accidents can be devastating, and victims are often left wondering how to prove fault for these incidents and how to secure compensation for the damages they’ve suffered.

Experienced Legal Representation for Bicycle Accident Claims in Tulsa, OK

222 Injury Lawyers provides client-focused legal counsel for the most challenging personal injury claims in Tulsa. Throughout the years of our firm’s operation, we have assisted many past clients in all types of complex injury cases, helping them secure the compensation they need to recover. We’ll take time to carefully review the details of how your recent bicycle accident happened, help identify those responsible for your damages, and guide you through the process of securing the compensation you need to recover. Our goal in every accident case we take is to maximize our client’s recovery to the fullest extent allowed under state law.

How to Prove Liability for Your Bicycle Accident

Before the victim of a bicycle accident can secure any compensation for the losses they suffered, they need to prove exactly how their accident happened and identify the person responsible for causing it. Most of the bicycle accidents reported in the Tulsa area result from acts of negligence, or failure to exercise reasonable care and caution. Distracted driving, moving violations, and speeding are just a few examples of how negligence can cause a devastating bicycle accident.

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents may also happen due to intentional misconduct behind the wheel. Reckless driving and driving under the influence (DUI) are the most commonly cited examples of this that may not only cause devastating injuries and economic losses but also lead to complex criminal court proceedings against those responsible. Any criminal act that results in a personal injury could also yield punitive damages and/or restitution for the victim, along with the civil damages they recover from a personal injury claim against a defendant.

Your Tulsa bicycle accident attorney can help gather any evidence you will need to firmly establish liability for your accident. This may include physical evidence from the scene of the accident, testimony from witnesses who saw it happen firsthand, traffic camera videos, and more. Once our team has helped you identify the defendant or defendants responsible for your damages, we will proceed with helping you recover compensation for the losses they inflicted.

Claimable Damages in a Tulsa Bicycle Accident Case

Oklahoma’s personal injury laws allow the victim of another party’s negligence or misconduct to hold that party accountable for any damages they caused. 222 Injury Lawyers excels at handling complex injury cases involving substantial damages. We know how to uncover every channel of compensation available to a client who has been severely injured by another party’s actions. Your successful bicycle accident claim in Tulsa may yield compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses. The defendant who caused your injuries is liable for immediate and future medical expenses you incur for treatment of your injuries. We can help hold the defendant accountable for hospital bills and ambulance fees, as well as the cost of any future rehabilitative care you require.
  • Property damage. When a defendant has damaged or destroyed your personal property, such as your bicycle, we can help secure compensation for repair or replacement costs.
  • Lost income. Many people injured in bicycle accidents cannot work due to their injuries. If this applies to your case, we can help you hold the defendant accountable for the income they prevented you from earning.
  • Lost earning power. Some victims of serious personal injuries are left unable to earn as much income as they did previously, or they may be unable to work at all due to permanent disability. In either case, we can help our client secure compensation for the future income they are no longer able to earn due to a defendant’s actions.
  • Pain and suffering. State law places no limit on how much a plaintiff can seek in compensation for the pain and suffering a defendant inflicted. If you suffered catastrophic injuries due to another party’s actions, our team would assist you in claiming as much pain and suffering compensation as possible to account for the severity of your condition.

Success with your personal injury claim in Tulsa requires not only proof of negligence or intentional misconduct, but also a clear display of the damages resulting from the defendant’s actions and proof that those damages did not result from any other cause. An experienced Tulsa bicycle accident attorney can make it much easier for you to approach your case with confidence, building a strong claim that aims for maximum recovery.

222 Injury Lawyers focuses on client-centered legal counsel, meaning we take time to develop a unique case strategy for every client we represent. However, one constant for every case we take is that we always seek the most compensation possible for our client’s damages. Our team knows how traumatic and damaging a bicycle accident can be, and we know the aftermath of this type of accident can be uncertain and stressful for the victim and their family. Whether your recovery entails an insurance claim against a negligent driver, a complex personal injury claim, or a combination of multiple recovery efforts, you can rely on 222 Injury Lawyers to provide compassionate legal support through every stage of your case.

FAQs About Tulsa, OK Bicycle Accident Law

How Do You Prove Liability for a Bicycle Accident in Tulsa?

Proving fault for your recent bicycle accident will follow the same general rules as proving fault for any other vehicle accident. You must identify the party you believe to be liable for causing the accident and then prove they were negligent or intentionally harmful in some way that resulted in your claimed damages. Your Tulsa bicycle accident attorney may help gather evidence, such as traffic camera recordings, statements from witnesses who saw the accident happen, and physical evidence from the scene of the accident to help establish fault for your bicycle accident.

Can I File an Insurance Claim for a Bicycle Accident in Tulsa?

Oklahoma is a fault state when it comes to resolving vehicle accidents. This means all drivers are legally required to have liability insurance. When an accident happens due to one driver’s negligence or misconduct, the injured driver has the right to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance. This rule applies to bicycle accidents as well, so you could file a claim against an at-fault driver’s auto insurance. However, dealing with insurance companies is much easier when you have reliable legal counsel on your side, and you will likely need to pursue further legal recourse if insurance alone cannot compensate you for the total of your damages.

Will I Win a Larger Case Award if I Hire a Tulsa Bike Accident Lawyer?

Hiring legal counsel may not be a strict requirement to pursue a civil claim for a bicycle accident in Tulsa, but experienced legal counsel can be invaluable for maximizing your case award. The right attorney can help accurately calculate the scope of the damages you can claim from the driver responsible for your accident, and they might reveal avenues of recovery you did not know were available to you. You are more likely to win your case and more likely to maximize your case award with an experienced attorney’s assistance.

What Happens if a Bicycle Accident Is Fatal?

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents carry a risk of fatal injury. If you recently lost a loved one in a fatal bicycle accident someone else caused, you may have grounds to pursue a wrongful death claim. This type of civil case can effectively replace a personal injury claim that a deceased victim could have filed if they survived their ordeal. It’s imperative to have compassionate and experienced legal representation on your side if you intend to file a wrongful death claim.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Tulsa Bicycle Accident Attorney?

When you choose 222 Injury Lawyers to represent your bicycle accident claim, we won’t get paid until you do. We take personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only part with a percentage of the total case award you win as our fee, and only if we win your case. If our team is unsuccessful in securing compensation on your behalf for any reason, you pay nothing, so there is no financial risk to hiring our firm to represent you in your recovery efforts.

Contact Us Today

222 Injury Lawyers has earned a strong professional reputation as a leading choice for personal injury representation in the Tulsa area because of our commitment to standing up for our clients’ rights. We take time to provide each client with a meticulous, individualized strategy for maximizing their compensation after another party has harmed them. If you believe you have grounds for a civil suit in response to your recent bicycle accident, we can help. Contact us today and schedule your free consultation with a Tulsa bicycle accident attorney to learn more about how we can assist with your recovery.

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222 Injury Lawyers, PLLC
6421 Avondale Dr, Ste 201
Nichols Hills, OK 73116

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222 Injury Lawyers, PLLC
1217 E 33rd St.
Tulsa, OK 74105

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